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Do I Need New Windows?


on August 15, 2022


High-quality windows can last many years. However,  knowing when it is time to replace your windows can be difficult. Here are three of the most common reasons homeowners choose to replace their windows. 

Rising Energy Bills 

If you notice your air conditioning or heating system running overtime, it might be time to replace your windows. Inefficient windows can lead to wasted energy and higher costs. Keep an eye on your energy usage. If you suspect your windows may be the culprit, you can: 

  • Feel around the perimeter of the windows for any obvious drafts. 
  • Look closely at the windows and window frames to see if there are any improperly sealed areas.
  • Call a window expert in your area to determine if your windows are efficient enough to meet your needs. 

Faulty Window Operation

Another major reason many homeowners replace their windows is that they simply stop working as they should. There are a myriad of operational issues that can arise as windows age. Broken hardware, bent frames, or other issues can all signal it’s time to buy new windows.

  • Here are a few common operational issues to watch for: 
  • Windows that won’t stay open without being propped
  • Fogging windows (typically indicative of a broken seal) 
  • Windows that won’t open or close properly or can’t be locked
  • Cracks in the glass caused by pressure or physical damage 

If you’re not sure whether your window’s operational issues require a complete replacement or could be rectified with repair or maintenance, it’s best to consult a professional. 

Home Design Changes 

 Home renovations and exterior design changes can also lead a homeowner to replace their  windows. Whether your old windows simply don’t go with your new design aesthetic or you want to upgrade the efficiency and features, both are great reasons to replace your windows.  

If you’re wondering whether your design preferences necessitate new windows, ask yourself: 

  • Am I looking for more natural light in my home design?
  • Can my current windows meet my design needs? 
  • If I replace one or two windows, will I need to replace them all? 
  • Are my windows not meeting my design preferences AND falling short on performance? 

Your answer to these questions can help you decide if replacement windows are right for you and how extensive you want to go with your replacement window process. 

Replace Your Windows With Pella 

When the answer to the question “Do I need new windows?” is a resounding yes, you can always trust the professionals at Pella Windows and Doors to help you find the new windows that match your style and provide exceptional performance. Request a consultation to learn more today.

Schedule a free consultation to find windows and doors for your home.